2012年8月20日 星期一

平靜地令人心痛 : Anna Ternheim《You Mean Nothing To Me Anymore》


初聽瑞典才女Anna Ternheim的《You Mean Nothing To Me Anymore》,彷若獨自走入北國大雪之中,在白茫茫的一片冷冽裡腳步越來越重,卻仍舊想這麼走著,直到在霧雪美景裡失溫睡去,不願再醒來。

Anna Ternheim十歲便開始學習彈吉他並四處表演,因此對於歌中穩健如流水的吉他彈奏沒有太多驚奇。讓人忍不住反覆聆聽的,反是因為那清新的嗓音卻配上黑暗抑鬱的歌詞意境,我開始想像那些年她來來回回於亞特蘭大、斯德哥爾摩以及瑞士的日子,漂泊流離的記憶是否帶給她任何變化?在循環著出發與離開的旅途上,似乎容易就此習慣了對於過往的訣別?像似心死了,輕輕地唱出人生的最沉重,然而一切終於都不再重要。

Let the curtain fall on me and you
Let the lights go out and blow out the fuse
No strings attached between me and you

Amazing it seems

You mean nothing to me anymore
Acquainted as we are expected to be
When we grow up

You remind of not letting go

Disabled by fear to be on my own
Having a twin as your lover
You'll never be free

Amazing it seems

You mean nothing to me anymore
Acquainted as we are expected to be
When we grow up
When we grow up

